Friday, September 2, 2016, 6 - 9 PM
Artists: Laurent Estoppey, Brianna Taylor, Steve Stusek, and Emily Aiken
2 minute performance for one audience at a time in the Art Truck that was live streamed by Periscope outside.
Collapss Collaboration improvised private five-minute music and dance performances for up to five people at a time inside the Art Truck. Performances start every 10 minutes, and we had full reservations for the 2 hours.
collapss (COLLective for hAPpy SoundS) is a multidisciplinary art ensemble founded in 2013 by laurent estoppey and composer nick rich. focusing on collaboration, improvisation, and performance in nontraditional locations, collapss specializes in new multimedia art, combining music with dance, video, poetry, and theater. the collective performs in businesses, schools and universities, museums, out-of-doors, and in vacant spaces.